Polyonomicity An Overview of research behind polyonoms YouTube

See more at https://polyonom.com/polyonomicityBackgroundThe lexicon of web terminology is catered for very well by online dictionaries lists of synonyms and…

Polyonomicity An Overview The lexicon of web terminology is catered for very well by online dictionaries lists of synonyms and antonyms. What is less well catered for are new words. Those that have yet to be adopted and classified as neologisms. Since 2022 such new words have been called “polyonoms”. For a word to qualify as a polyonom it is tested for its polyonomicity. Polyonomicity is the quality of a new word when compared with the results it returns from search engine queries. More specifically the returns for All Images Videos and Maps. It is a sliding scale expressed as a percentage. With 100 polyonomicity being the ultimate score. That occurs when a search engine Nil return is shown for each of the four search engine returns. No results are shown in the categories of All Images Videos and Maps. This indicates a new polyonom and the way is open to start its life on the web. A small but growing set of polyonoms can be found at www.polyonom.com Thank you for taking the time to watch this video on polyonomicity and entertaining the concept of polyonoms. Chris polyonom.com Check this out.

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