What is the 306090 Maintenance and Why is it Important | Number 77 Auto Repair Durham NC

Auto Repair in Durham, NC

Phone: 919-924-4227

Website: number77autorepairinc.com

Wondering what the 30/60/90 maintenance schedule means and why it’s crucial for your car’s performance and longevity? At Number 77 Auto Repair, located at 1023 Holloway Street, Durham, NC, we break down this essential maintenance schedule to help you keep your vehicle in top shape.

In this video we cover:

  • What is the 30/60/90 Maintenance Schedule?

Regular service intervals at 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000 miles.

  • Why is it Important?

Prevents costly repairs, improves reliability, and extends your car’s lifespan.

  • Key Services at Each Interval:

Oil changes, fluid replacements, belt inspections, and more.

  • How We Can Help:

Our expert mechanics provide thorough inspections and maintenance to keep your car running smoothly.

Routine maintenance saves you money in the long run and ensures your car is safe on the road. Bring your vehicle to Number 77 Auto Repair for expert service and peace of mind!

📍 Visit us at: 1023 Holloway Street, Durham, NC

📞 Call us at: 919-294-4227 to schedule an appointment!

🔧 Quality Service. Reliable Repairs. Honest Advice.

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