EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISEPut UK First is a fictional political party created for a crisis management scenario briefing as part of the plot of Pilkington…

Put UK First A New Political Party created for a fictional crisis management exercise inject. Also introducing the terms PUKIST and PUKISM in Pilkingtons Gamble……

In Pilkingtons Gamble we follow Pilkington a seasoned specialist who regularly participates in exercises to test and improve crisis response capabilities. As the book opens Pilkington emerges on a Monday morning onto the bustling streets of Whitehall London feeling both exhausted and exhilarated after the most recent exercise.

Having acted as a Liaison Officer Pilkingtons role was to simulate a crucial decisionmaker during the exercise. The scenario which began on the previous Friday at lunchtime involved a simulated emergency that pushed the limits of Pilkingtons expertise and resourcefulness. He was looking forward to the hot washup later that afternoon. It would help him transition back to real life.

However as he was to find out not that much later the signal ENDEX ENDEX ENDEX would only serve to mark the beginning of a new direction in Pilkingtons life. Check this out.

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