Ideosemada Tritopcio All I Can See Is The Back Of My Head Volker Bourne Graham Lee Production YouTube

An exploratory video amalgamating the words of Graham Lee with visuals created in t…

An exploratory video amalgamating the words of Graham Lee httpswww.facebook.comgroups65228… with visuals created in the name of Volker Bourne. Ideosemada and tritopcio are polyonoms httpspolyonom.comideosemada and httpspolyonom.comtritopcio Attribution Acknowledgement ↓ Graham Lees original wording from which the rhyming couplets were used in this video All I Can See Is The Back of My Head A tribute to the work of Renee Magritte and Volker Bourne. In shadows cast I tread a winding road Where mysteries and secrets lie untold. The Golden Ratio whispered by the wind In natures artistry its secrets are pinned. A Fibonacci dance numbers in disguise In spirals and in petals their beauty lies. A sequence woven a pattern to unfold In every leaf and shell a tale is told. Volker Bourne a name obscure profound In cryptic whispers hidden truths are found. A sage a seer a keeper of the keys Unlocking mysteries through time and seas. In every mirror all I can perceive Is the back of my head a web we weave. A reflection of the cosmos vast and wide Infinite equations where secrets hide. The worlds a canvas painted with delight Where shadows dance in the obsidian night. In numbers names and whispers of the past I seek the answers to knowledge vast. The Golden Ratio a divine design In spirals of galaxies stars align. Fibonaccis rhythm natures sacred song In patterns of existence we all belong. Volker Bourne a scholar of the arcane In cryptic scrolls his wisdom does remain. A guide through realms of enigmatic lore In his footsteps I wander evermore. In the back of my head a mysterys core A puzzle a riddle a cosmic lore. With oblique references I tread this way Seeking truths elusive mysterious display. In the tapestry of existence I find my place With secrets of the universe I embrace. In shadows cast I journey to explore The enigmatic depths forevermore. Check this out.

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